Tanaka Farms Preschool Field Trip

We went to Tanaka Farms in Irvine, where we rode a tractor pulled wagon through a farm. We made several stops to taste the freshly picked vegetables including carrots, onions, […]

Spring Party

To celebrate the beginning of Spring, we held a Spring Party where the children brought in a variety of fruits for a special afternoon snack, along with some delicious pudding. […]

Preschool In-Service/Training

We concluded our last staff in-service/ training for the year.  The pictures are from our January and April in-services. This is one of the things that make our program very […]

The Value of Risk With Children

THE VALUE OF RISK In the introduction of her article, “The Role of Risk in Play and Learning,” in the Community Playthings online magazine, Collage, Joan Almon observes… “Real play […]

Pretend City Preschool Field Trip

Edgewater Preschool of Long Beach went to Pretend City in Irvine last week. The children explored and played in different areas of the “city”, including the fire station, construction area, dentist […]

Fire Fighters Visit Edgewater Preschool

The children had the privilege of an up close and personal experience with two of our very own parent firefighters! The children were able to try on the fire fighters’ […]

Valentines Day at Edgewater Preschool

Purple, red, and pink could be seen in each classroom the last 2 days, as the children painted stumps, cooked their scrambled eggs and explored in pink goop! Today, we […]

Why Play is Important

Shared from Exchange Everyday Check out the video, Now Playing.  This video explores the importance of play to the health and well being of individuals, families, communities, and society as a […]

How to Support Academic Development

We came across this article and wanted to share.  This is a reinforcement of why a hands on curriculum is appropriate for young children (0-8yr old). http://truthabouteducation.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/the-disturbing-transformation-of-kindergarten/ “If we teach […]